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HOA & Condo Community Hurricane Preparedness Guide


  1. Put your Disaster Plan into Action– Communicate with the property manager and keep residents posted on the hurricane status.
  2. Check Emergency Generators & Supplies – Be sure emergency generators are in working order and have adequate fuel supplies.  Stock emergency supplies including flashlights, batteries, additional fuel supplies, water and other necessities for employees in the aftermath of a tropical storm.
    Keep in mind employees working outside for extended periods will need extra water and break time due to the heat!
  3. Photograph or Video Premises – Keep a visual record through video or photographs of premises, facilities and buildings to facilitate damage assessment and speed damage claims in a storm aftermath.
  4. Backup Computer Files – Be sure that computer files crucial to running the building and association are backed up offsite through your management company, online, or on CDs or Portable Storage Devices. 
    If portable storage is being used, make sure you remove those devices from the property!
  5. Secure the Premises – Secure all loose items including pool deck furniture, small planters, garden hoses, exterior wall decorations, etc. Prepare to completely lock down association buildings to keep buildings secure during the storm and safe from vandalism or looting if a hurricane strikes.
  6. Check Storm Drains for Debris – Remove any debris from storm drain areas to help reduce the potential for flooding.
  7. Secure your Elevators – Consult your elevator company on how to properly secure your associations elevators.  If it is necessary to shut the elevators down give as much advance notice to residents as possible so they can prepare accordingly.
  8. Shut Down All Pumps – Shut down all pumps for pools, irrigation, fountains etc. to avoid potential damage to motors.
  9. Be familiar with the location of all water shutoff valves and power boxes – They may need to be shutoff if an evacuation is ordered (dependent on association’s disaster plans).
  10. Contact List of Owners, Board Members & Employees – Have on hand a current, hard-copy reference list complete with the names all property owners, emergency contact numbers and details of second residence addresses, as well as a list of all association employees, with full contact details.
  11. Complete Vendor List & Contact Information – Have a complete list of all association vendors on hand with contact information so you can quickly call in repairs on association property.
  12. Building and Facilities Plans – Make sure a complete set of building or community plans are readily available for consultation by first-responders, utilities workers and insurance adjusters following a storm.
  13. Insurance Policies & Agent Details – Be sure all insurance policies are current; full contact details for insurance companies and agents should be readily available in the event of a storm.
  14. Bank Account Details & Signatories – Keep handy a list of all bank account numbers, branch locations and authorized association signatories.  Have petty cash and/or copies of handwritten checks on hand to use in the event credit cards, debit cards and computer checks are not available.
  15. Evacuate if a mandatory evacuation order has been issued!
For more Hurricane Preparedness guides and resources visit: